Egg 'n' Bacon and Arriving on Storoe
July 20th was just a plain moving day. When I was going thru the footage, I couldn’t find any pictures from that day. So, I guess it was one of those grey days you don’t remember afterwards. But throughout the day we manage to move 40nm south, to a bay on the island Tasilap. After anchoring up, our youngest crew, Marselius went for a longer swim, but this time in a wetsuit.
The next day, July 21st, we started bright and early on moving further south. Our destination for the day was Storoe, an island another 40nm south. It started out as any other day on Greenland, more ice. But we finally got a picture of a seal, they usually jump in the water before we are close enough to get a good picture.
For Lars and Marselius, this turned out to be an extra good morning. As they slept a little longer then everyone else, but got woken up by egg and bacon, to some jealous by the others in the pilot house.
The hours went by, but we finally arrived at Storoe. When scouting out a decent place to anchor, we look for a small bay, where we will be protected from the bigger pieces of ice. We then run bow first straight into the bay, to plot the depths. At Storoe, there were an underwater hill running pretty step, so we decided drop anchor someway down it and pull the stern of the boat inwards towards shore, with a line. In this configuration, we are quite confident there will be no problems. We can’t go out since we’re tied to shore, and we can’t go in since we then would need to drag the anchor up the hill.
Nice bay with loose rocks, looks promising
The inflatable kayak is a quick and easy way to get a line to shore
Nice and secure and we are ready to explore the island