And we're off!!

The day is here, we are finally under way. Bent, Catrine and Marselius arrived in Jondal on Thursday, while Siri, Atle, Lars and Stein drove in on Friday afternoon. We planed for a departure around 5pm Saturday, so we had some hours to spare roaming around Jondal.

One thing Marselius and Lars wanted to do, was drive up the 20km mountain road up on Folgefonna Glacier. Folgefonna Glacier is one of only a handful summer ski resorts in Norway and are frequently used by professional skiers on their of season.   

Folgefonna Glacier Ski Resort

Folgefonna Glacier Ski Resort

2018-06-30 13.27.28.jpg

Around lunchtime we all went to our cabin 5 minutes from the boat to have a last meal onland. 

And then every thing happened at once an suddenly we where off. At the moment of writing this, dinner is ready on the grill and we're all sitting in the pilothouse just looking out enjoying the view.