Up on the hard - Preparing the boat
As for any boat, they need to be out of the water to do the regular maintenance underneath the waterline. Now that Polar Sector weighs approximately 55 metric tons with pretty empty tanks, there isn't many places that can accommodate us. Fortunately there is "Loggen Kystlag", a place not far from her home port that houses a slipway suitable for her size and weight.
Winching her out of the water
Rust problem around the portlighs
Spot priming
Loggen Kystlag/Tønsberg Kystkultursenteret
So on the 18th of May the boat was hauled out of the water, for a week of work, consisting of some rutine maintenance , but also some improvements before we head for Greenland in the end of June.
The to do list:
- Power washing the hull, above and below the waterline
- Scraping down the hull below the waterline to remove any growth and loose antifouling, and prime the places where we hit bare steel
- Repaint the white waterline stripe
- New antifouling
- Replace zinc anodes
- Polish the propeller
- Fix some rustproblems around the portlights.
- Strengthen the bobstay for impacts with ice.
Washing her down
New antifouling, zinc anode and mockup of the "Icebreaker bow"